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What to Expect From a Towing Service Provider

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Drivers are wise to have a tow truck company on speed dial. It's estimated that over 235,000 vehicles are towed every year due to brake failure alone. Indeed, towing services offer other services apart from ferrying your vehicle to a safe destination. Below are the various services provided by towing companies.

Changing Tires

Changing tires is a challenge for some people. Indeed, other folks may know how to change the tire but cannot do it either because they don't want to spoil their garments or lack confidence. Only 17% of motorists feel like they can confidently change flat tires. 19% of motorists aren't confident, and another 21.8% don't know how to change a flat tire.

Your tow truck company will help in changing the tire if you have an extra one. However, if your extra wheel is already used, the company can tow you home. Alternatively, you can have them take your vehicle to your garage for a spare wheel. 

Emergency Fixes

Sometimes vehicles break down when you're on the road. It might be that you noticed a problem with your brakes, steering wheel, or something else that may need immediate repairs. Most tow truck company drivers are mechanics and can address the minor challenges for you.  If this isn't possible, they'll take you to a garage of your choice. 

Batteries stall all the time for different reasons. Being stranded in the wee hours in a strange place is shuddering for most folks. If your battery fails due to the weather or is completely dead, your tow truck company will jump-start it or come with a new one to replace the dead one.


Oftentimes you budget your gas to the last drop leaving no room for eventualities. When you overspend; thus, finding yourself low on gas on the road, your tow truck company can come to your rescue. Fuel deliveries are part of the services the auto towing services provider offers. Alternatively, your car can be towed to the nearest gas station, where you can quickly fill up. 

A tow truck company can help you deliver the vehicle to your desired destination. Whether it's your sports car or SUV, delivery can be done. Your motorcycle or boat can also be towed where you want by the auto towering services provider.

It's estimated that $41B is lost yearly due to vehicle breakdowns. This translates to 1 in 3 drivers suffering on the road with nowhere to turn. Therefore, it's important to keep contact information for local auto towing services just in case you get stranded on the road.
